Hearthstone's next expansion will add one of the most requested classes to the game at last. March of the Lich King will include 145 new cards, alongside 68 new Death Knight cards to define the new class. The core Death Knight cards will be added for free for all players, while the rest of the new cards will be obtainable through packs.
That's not the only big new addition to the card pool. March of the Lich King will introduce Signature cards, a new level of rarity that includes special card art. Each expansion will include its own look for the Signature cards. You can't craft or disenchant them. March of the Lich King will include 18 Signature cards.
The new Death Knight's cards look very different than the norm, too, thanks to one of its unique mechanics. Death Knights use a special Rune system to determine their special abilities from three types: Blood, Frost, or Unholy. Each rune takes up one of three slots, letting you build 10 different combinations. For example, you could slot in two Blood and one Frost rune, letting you use Level 2 Blood spells and Level 1 Frost spells. Or you could place Blood in all three Rune slots to use the most powerful Blood spells, but you'd be unable to use any Frost or Unholy spells.
The Death Knight will also have a unique corpse counter, which acts as a resource for some spells. Every time a minion dies it adds another body to the Lich King's corpses, which can then be tapped to cast your abilities.
March of the Lich King is coming on December 6, with card reveals scheduled to come regularly until the release date. Preorders are now available for March of the Lich King bundles. In the lead-up to the launch, Blizzard has brought back all of the cards from the previous Death Knight-themed expansion, Knights of the Frozen Throne. You can also login now to claim a free card from the upcoming expansion, the neutral legendary spell The Sunwell, which you can put into your decks now.
You can check out all of the cards we've seen so far below.
Acolyte of Death

Army of the Dead

Battlefield Necromancer

Blood Boil

Dark Transformation


Corpse Explosion

Vampiric Blood


Plague Strike

Deal with a Devil

Nerubian Flyer

Frostwyrm's Fury

Glacial Advance

Gnome Muncher

Graveyard Shift

Horn of Winter

Arcane Quiver

Icy Touch

Lord Marrowgar

Arcane Defenders

Arcane Bolt

Infected Peasant

Street Sweeper

Bone Flinger

Sunfury Clergy

Silvermoon Sentinel

The Sunwell


Lor'themar Theron

Scourge Rager


Overseer Frigidara

For Quel'Thalas!

Blood Matriarch Liadrin

Unliving Champion

Skeletal Sidekick

Silverfury Stalwart

Embers of Strength

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